Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Have You Ever...

Have you ever seen the silent withering of autumn flowers,
Dropping their petals and remaining motionless,
Have you ever walked down the street in a chilled winter eve,
without even feeling the coldness.
Have you ever thought of wistful regret
For those who are not yet here to regret.
Or of the waterfall,
Or music heard so deeply,
That its not heard at all.
Have you ever been through the noisiest lane,
Without hearing..
Have you ever looked beyond the window pane
Without observing..
Have you ever pondered like me,
To feel these simply complicated things?


L.Goswami said...

क्या आपका ई-मेल पता मिल सकता है ..मैं प्रशांत भइया की मुह बोली बहन हूँ..उनसे आपके बारे में पता चला अब आपसे बात करने की आवश्यकता है. आप उनसे मेरा ई-मेल पता ले सकती हैं.

अनिल कान्त said...

lovely post...wonderful writing !!